Looking for Employment?? Need Help??

Welcome to e4myJOB - the site dedicated to helping YOU get ahead of the crowd and find employment!

This site was created BY those impacted by the Recession FOR those impacted by the Recession.

The sole purpose of this site is to make sure you know how to find a job in today's economy. The job search process and the tools available have changed dramatically since the last time most of those currently looking for work had to find a job.

Times and the Process Have Changed

There are so many people applying for every position, you have to be able to stand out from the crowd! And, while we can't end the recession - we can help you stand out from the crowd!

You now have 15 - 30 SECONDS to sell yourself!!!

Yes. Your resume has less than 30 secondsto impress a recruiter and make you stand out from the crowd. And, in those few seconds, it must convince the reader that you are one of the 5 or so people who deserve an interview. Do you really know how to make that happen???

Unless you can can...
  1. Write a Resume that will 'market' you - and, make you stand out from the crowd in 15 seconds; AND,
  2. Identify possible employers; AND ,
  3. Identify open jobs - that are not advertised; AND,
  4. Get the Interview; AND,
  5. Use Networking effectively to reach out to people who can help.
...you NEED e4myJOB!

We also provide resources to help you survive being unemployed - including links to government assistance and ways to save money on the things you need.

This is a FREE SERVICE - But Please Remember Us!

The basic information on this site is free for those who are unemployed. And, it is paid for by the generosity of those who want to (and can) help. We do, however, ask that if you find a job and if this site helped, please remember us and possibly make a donation to help cover the expenses and to help others in their job search.

If you can help - get in touch!

If you are someone willing to volunteer your services to help with the site - for example, with web site programming, article research, writing or editing OR, resume review - we welcome your assistance. Please contact us through our Volunteer page.

If you or your organization or company want to help sponsor this site, please contact the Webmaster. There are a number of ways in which you can help people find jobs by supporting our efforts.

For those of you looking for work - we wish you the best! And, please feel free to use the resources in this site. And, let us know if it helps or if there is any way we can improve.

Thanks, Your Webmaster

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